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About MESA

Mapleton Expeditionary School of the Arts (MESA) 

An Expeditionary Learning (EL) School
Academic Explorations, Compelling Topics, Real-World Learning

Mapleton Expeditionary School of the Arts (MESA) is a 9-12 grade college preparatory school. As a member of the EL (Expeditionary Learning) model, students at MESA active learners who are challenged to take-on meaningful, public and collaborative work. Service learning, fieldwork, and character development are built into MESA’s curriculum. Students investigate real-world issues and use what they learn to make a positive change in their community.  

MESA’s classrooms are specifically designed to support EL through the use of art spaces, presentation areas, and meeting areas - spaces outside of classrooms that encourage group work and collaboration between art, science, math and humanities classes.    

Learning at MESA is organized around compelling, inquiry-based learning expeditions and a specific topic of focus. Expeditions provide structure to deliver rigorous core content and instructions in English, social studies, science, and art classes. Each of these classes has learning targets based on state standards that students must meet. MESA’s school culture fosters both academic risk-taking and reflection. Students attend English, social studies, math, science, and art classes every day. 

MESA has celebrated a 100 percent college acceptance rate multiple years in a row, with students receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarship funds. 

MESA students are...

Students who plan to go to college.
Students who will take academic and creative risks - such as reading poetry in front of 150 of their peers.
Students willing to participate in weekly, student-led grade level meetings.
Students willing to be a successful leader as well as a productive group member.
School Specs.
Member of the National EL Network
Strong community focus through forums, fieldwork and community meetings





School Address:
8980 York St.
Thornton, CO 80229

School Phone Number:

Annaleah Bloom

Assistant Principal:
Ryan Fuss

Office Staff:

Lori Domenico

Sandra Munoz

School Hours:
8:20 a.m. - 3:35 p.m.